Temporary transfer windows for superMAHA and Arthx (without lock and without fees)

The token system with Arth, Maha, Arthx and superMAHA has been changing constantly in the last weeks and months and further important changes are coming with the implementation of superMAHA (MahaX). Arthx originally influenced Arth, but in the future it will be more related to superMAHA.

Which benefits superMAHA will provide in detail is not yet known. One factor, however, is that superMAHA is supposed to increase the rewards of Arthx-Staking (up to approx. 2x was once mentioned). Exact details about superMAHA and the benefits will hopefully come from the official side soon.

With (or shortly after) the implementation of superMAHA and the announcement of all info on how superMAHA will be staked/locked and how tokens will result in multipliers etc., I suggest a window of one week in which superMAHA will have no transfer lock and Arthx will have no transfer fees.


  • In order to use superMAHA-Arthx multiplier, everything will probably have to be held in the same wallet.
  • superMAHA and Arthx are probably currently stored in different wallets
  • Arthx possibly originates from Arth v1
  • Arthx comes from the market
  • Arthx comes from Rewards (Staking, Farming)
  • Arthx comes from Airdrop (pending)
  • Arthx has 10% fees at transfer
  • superMAHA/MahaX can normally not be moved
  • superMAHA (and Arthx) must be stored securely for up to 4 years+.

During this time window:

  • no superMAHA lock
  • no transaction fees

The time window can be used for the following:

  • Long-term protection: transfer to cold storage, etc.
  • Consolidation in one wallet
  • Diversification across several wallets

The lifting of the transfer lock and the Arthx transaction fees could be a one-time thing. However, we should also consider such windows from time to time in the future, giving people perhaps a 48h window for transfers (also for superMAHA) every few months or once a year. These temporary time windows could be opened by voting.

My input on this is that the proposal is premature and unclear as to the issue it is trying to address. There is no reason why you would need to make MahaX transferrable at any point - it’s core feature is that it is locked. Users can simply transfer the Maha prior to locking it as MahaX, is there any reasons why that would not be suitable?

My suggestion is to withdraw this proposal and give things a bit more time, so that the base premise and reasonings are then less presumptuous and more defined. I don’t think many will first understand the issue presented, to then give value to any potential solution.

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It is not a proposal that needs to be voted on immediately.
Perhaps it is enough if the team takes these points into account.

It deals basically with two points.

  1. Design superMAHA in such a way that transfer windows are possible in the future. So that such windows can be opened for a short time after a vote.
    This may not be necessary now, because as you write, Maha can still be moved. In the future, however, there may be situations where it is necessary or helpful to be able to move superMAHA. For example, for new people who generate superMAHA and only then realise that they can no longer move them to a secure wallet. Then superMAHA might be stuck on an old device for four years. There are certainly other reasons. Therefore, if we think it is necessary or helpful, there should be a transfer window from time to time. This should simply not be technically impossible.

  2. Arthx should not have transfer fees for a certain period of time, as soon as all information about the interaction of the different tokens has been made public. In this way, everyone will have the opportunity to adjust to the new concept after the new information has been made public, without having to pay any fees. That means, for example, consolidating MAHA/superMAHA and Arthx in (secure) wallets if necessary. Since Arthx in particular can come from different sources and thus be distributed on different wallets and platforms.
    Here, too, it is certainly good to have such time windows also in the future. (This time windows affects only the fees for sending from wallet to wallet, not the fees for buying or selling Arthx.)

I like the idea that ArthX should have free transfer window. I’m struging the situation that I have ArthX at MM without ledger connected. I’d like to send it to more secure account.

The problem with making MahaX transferrable at any point in time means that it also creates the opportunity for ‘vote buying’ - which is a fundamental flaw with governance tokens that the feature of locking MahaX directly overcomes. If you create a ‘backdoor’ exit, then it will get exploited and undermine the whole integrity of having timelocked Maha. What people need to do here, is make sure they are already taking the right steps for securing their assets prior to locking them.